Monday, January 02, 2006

Things They Should Invent: Ask A Murderer

There has been a lot of discussion about how to make people stop shooting people. I can see pros and cons of every idea presented, but what do I know? I'm not a murderer, I find the gangster lifestyle distasteful, and I wouldn't touch a gun if offered the opportunity - I'd like to think I wouldn't touch one if my life depended on it, but I've never been in that sort of situation so I can't say for sure.

So what they should really do is ask murderers to evaluate the various ideas for stopping the violence.

Are there any investigative reporters reading this? If so, you can get this started. Track down some known murderers - reformed or not, preferably some of each. Interview them. Present them with the various ideas being kicked around. Ask them what would have worked on them and what would not. Make the results of the interviews public. Bring it to the elected officials.

Feel free to steal this idea. Feel free to take all the credit. Just someone do it - it's perfectly doable by anyone with criminology and/or investigative reporting skills!

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