Friday, January 27, 2006

A word about commenting

Under the comment box, there are three options: Blogger login, Other, and Anonymous. If you don't have a Blogger login or don't want to comment under your usual screenname, click on Other instead of Anonymous. Then you can fill in the Name blank with the name of your choice. Please be consistent about the name you use - it's rather annoying when there are multiple Anonymouses. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Please be consistent about the name you use - it's rather annoying when there are multiple Anonymouses. :)

Shouldn't multiple anonymouses be referred to as anonymice? Heehee. Sorry.

This comment thing seemed glitchy the other day. It was rejecting my blogger log-in and also returned an error message for the verification word, even though I had typed all the right letters. And later in the day, my 'insider trading' comment did not show up and I had to re-submit it. Seems back to normal now, though.