Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Wherein money buys happiness

Having a home that is in good enough condition that I only very rarely get bugs, and therefore only very rarely get panic attacks, makes me happy.

Knowing that I have the resources to recover from any emergency that might be thrown my way makes me happy.

Eating and drinking whatever I want, whenever I feel like it makes me happy.

Wearing clothing and cosmetics and glasses that make me feel attractive and pulled-together and in control the appearance I present to the world makes me happy.

Long, luxurious morning showers make me happy.

Taking classes makes me happy.

High-speed internet makes me happy.

My computer makes me happy.

Reading, watching, and playing whatever books, movies, and computer games I want, whenever I feel like it makes me happy.

Savouring two newspapers over my morning coffee makes me happy.

Subscribing to the TV stations that carry my very favourite shows makes me happy.

Having a station in life that causes the vast majority of people to treat me with basic human respect makes me happy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can I have your life please? :)