Saturday, June 25, 2005

Why does everything have to be so superlative?

Why does life have to be beautiful and wonderful and a precious gift? Why can't it just be a biological fluke that we happen to be experiencing?

Why does Canada have to be world-renouned with a sterling reputation abroad? Why can't we just be a quiet, decent place to live?

Why do food and drink and sex and movies and art and books and theatre and yoga have to be amazing? Why can't they just be nice, pleasurable, enjoyable?

Why does Toronto have to be a world-class city? Why can't we just be a nice city with decent amenities for its residents?

Why do we have to work hard and play hard? Why can't we just work when necessary and play when it strikes our fancy to do so?

Why do we have to be passionate about our favourite hobbies? Why can't we just like them, enjoy them, find them relaxing?

Why do we have to be passionate about our charitable causes? Why can't we just think they're worthy?

Why do we have to live life to its fullest, making the most of each moment? Why can't we just live life?


Anonymous said...

Seeing the huge space after the text of your post now...using Firefox.

Anonymous said...

People get frantic when they realize that they really ARE going to die someday. That's the day they realize that they are NOT doing what they love, they are doing what they went to school for (or settling with a job, a person, a place because it happened to be there, and is still there, even if they don't want in anymore (and sometimes they didn't really want it in the first place).
Too many people are going through the motions calmly, and tearing themselves up inside. Too many people think our lives are "guided" beyond our control, and they're too busy to look for an offramp so they can sit someplace quiet and see how to change thier direction.
Too many people are not selfish enough.

(And yes, that big space is still there. That's a REALLY weird space!)