Sunday, June 05, 2005

Humiliating TV characters

On television comedies, a lot of the time characters make a fool of themselves or embarrass themselves. I don't like this that much - it makes me feel embarrassed for them and vaguely uncomfortable, and often if there's too much of this I mute the TV or turn off the show. I know that some humiliation of characters is sometimes necessary for plot purposes or comedy purposes or even schadenfreude purposes, but some shows humiliate their characters far more than is strictly necessary. Do some viewers actively enjoy watching characters be humiliated?


Andrew Ironwood said...

Not me -- I'm the kind of person who can't even watch old Three's Company reruns, even if I tell myself it's their own stupid fault for whatever they get into... (Of course, in most broader comedy and/or action/adventure movies, the bad guy is always fair game...)

Anonymous said...

Cognitive Dissonance.