Monday, February 09, 2004

I moved to Toronto in Sept. 2000. I moved back to Hamilton for summer 2001, and then back to Toronto for good in Sept. 2001. Here are some ways in which I have become A Torontonian in that time:

1. I no longer blink at the ideas of $1000 per month rent, $100 per month transit pass, or $300 per month condo fees.

2. I find it odd when I see promotional material with all white people on it.

3. I get shocked and offended when policies are made with the assumption that everyone has a car.

4. I don't find it weird that I shop at Dominion.

5. I'm always surprised when reminded that there are places where a person can, in fact, live on minimum wage.

6. I fully expect to see local news in national newspapers.

7. I always recite phone numbers with 10 digits.

8. I only go to Tim Horton's when there isn't a Second Cup, and I haven't rolled up a rim in ages.

9. Putting a sweater and boots on your dog seems increasingly reasonable.

10. I haven't walked across a parking lot, not even once, in 2004.

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