Tuesday, February 03, 2004

Yesterday I was really tense and stressed, so I was happy when my body and mind reached a kind of meditative calm during my last dream of last night. The dream itself was very odd (it involved a shower on my balcony that worked only when certain TV shows were on, and it also involved the kids from Roseanne immigrating) but physically and mentally I was very very calm and happily floating along. So I was very disappointed when I woke up, because I wanted to stay asleep in happy floaty land.

Many years ago, when I was in grade 5, we had a snow day because of freezing rain. The freezing rain left a coat of ice over everything, strong enough that we could sometimes walk on top of it without crunching through into the underlying snow, and we passed a happy day sledding in our extra-slippery backyard. Ever since then, "freezing rain" has meant "snow day" to me, and whenever the weather seems mildly conducive to freezing rain, as it is right now, a part of me feels entitled to stay home in bed. But of course the world doesn't work that way, so I will have to wait until tonight to get back to my happy place.

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