Sunday, February 08, 2004

I have a split end that isn't at the end of my hair. The bottom of my hair is normal, stuck together, and it stays like that for about 1cm, then it splits in 2 for a bit, then about 1 cm higher it goes normal again. The result is a sort of loop in the middle of my hair.

I also had a dream that told me I made the right decision leaving McMaster three/four years ago. I've never questioned my decision to do so, but I'd always had this idea that I could have had a different, but just as good, life there. After all, McMaster is a "good school." But I never would have challenged myself there, would have just worked in fast food for four years, never would have looked for (or even had opportunities for) an internship. I simply would have stagnated deeper and deeper into academics and mediocrity.

It's always nice to wake up in the morning with the enlightenment that one of your major life decisions was irrefutably correct.

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