Tuesday, April 15, 2008

So how was your morning?

My mascara is hardcore. Not just black but "Ultra Black", waterproof, the lengtheningist kind I can find (currently Rimmel Eye Magnifier, although I'm always looking to go even more extreme, so if you have something that you know is better I'll welcome any recommendations). One of the few advantages of being hirstute is that I can carry off the 60s TV actress look (in my mind...).

So anyway, I'm putting on my hardcore mascara when I think I see something drip off the brush. Don't be silly, mascara doesn't drip! And it's not like seeing strangely-moving floaters out the corner of my eye is unprecedented. So I keep doing my makeup, eat my breakfast, brush my teeth, get dressed, do my hair, and take a quick glance in the mirror before I dart out the door. Hmmmm, a bit shiny. So I grab my compact, powder my forehead, and quickly blend it with my fingers.

Suddenly, there's a giant black smudge across my forehead. Turned out a huge clump of mascara did drip off the brush (first time in 14 years of wearing makeup that that's ever happened!) and landed on my compact - and I'd put my hand right on it and then used it to blend my powder.

So I'm frantically washing my hands, trying to get the black off my forehead, running late for work...eventually I had to use eye makeup remover on my forehead then redo all the concealer and foundation on my forehead to look civilized again!

Why couldn't this at least happen on Ash Wednesday?


laura k said...

I used to wear hardcore black mascara too. And I am blonde and nearly hairless. I loved the effect.

laura k said...

Oh. Sorry you had such a bad morning. I'm not really completely selfish.