Sunday, April 20, 2008


Around this time of year, the sun comes shining in through my window and right into my eyes at about 8:30 in the morning, waking me up.

"So what's the problem?" you're thinking, "You chose eastern exposure to help with your circadiam rhythms, no?"

The problem is that 8:30 is too early for me on weekends - I need more sleep than that - but too late for weekdays so I still have to wake up to the alarm. And it's shining right into my eyes so I can't ignore it.

In the summer, the angle of the sun is different so I get ambient light to help me on weekdays but I can still ignore it on weekends. In the winter, I'm entirely dependent on the alarm on weekdays but the sun comes late enough for a sleep-in on weekends. But right now I'm in the rough patch where I just can't get a proper sleep-in on weekends but the sun can't quite help me get up for work.

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