Friday, April 04, 2008

In Re: Lukiwski

Sixteen years ago, I was homophobic. Disgustingly, shamefully so. If you've lost all respect for me, I don't blame you.

Today, I am not homophobic. My homophobia was coming from a position of ignorance. The more I learned, the less homophobic I became.

I am very fortunate in that the world has been kind and generous enough to forgive me my stupidity and take me as the person I am today.

I would be a hypocrite if I did not suggest that Tom Lukiwki should be given the same consideration.

1 comment:

laura k said...

Nice. I did not have that same evolution, but I totally agree with you about Lukiwski.

I'm very surprised to hear about yours, though. I never would have guessed. People can change, and they do.