Saturday, January 13, 2007

When people go to prison

I wonder if, when people go to prison, there's some mechanism for taking care of their personal affairs. I know that if you are going away for several months or years, you have to arrange for your bills to continue to be paid, you have to stop your newspapers, you have to get someone to water your plants and take care of your pets and children etc. etc. But when you go to prison, they just come in and arrest you - there's no time to take care of any of these things. For example, if the police came and arrested me right this minute and I was put in prison for several years, my landlord would notice that I'm not paying rent and evict me. But they couldn't find me, so they'd probably sell or auction or keep all my personal possessions. Bell would still bill me for phone and internet every month, and Look would still bill me for TV. The Star and the Globe would still each deliver a newspaper to my door every day (and bill my credit card for it), and the TTC would still send me a Metropass each month (and debit my bank account for it). So unless there's some way to stop all these things from happening, I'd come out of prison homeless, possessionless, and in heavy debt with my credit rating destroyed.

Now I know prisoners are allowed to write letters, so maybe it would be possible to fix some of these things by mail. But the thing is, I have no idea where to write. I manage my personal affairs online, and have no idea of the mailing addresses of any of the companies I deal with, or if they're even prepared to handle customers by mail. I wonder if in prison they help prisoners work this stuff out, or if they just leave them to their own devices?

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