Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Little Mosque Part Deux

The second episode of Little Mosque just didn't do anything for me. It didn't entertain me, I didn't laugh, I found it formulaic, and a few times I even muted the TV because the characters were making such fools of themselves. If I had found this show while flipping channels, I would have kept going.

They will get my attention for one more episode because I like what they're trying to do, and I want to give them a chance to do it well. This isn't an ultimatum or anything, I still might look at it, but I don't plan on making a point of watching it if the quality doesn't improve. A Simpsons rerun is more appealing.

Actually, come to think of it, that's why I watched Enterprise too. The Star Trek prequel concept was interesting, and I watched to see how it would be carried out. It was okay - I did make a point of catching up with every episode in reruns - but most episodes I wouldn't watch twice unless I was bored. In comparison, major sitcoms like Seinfeld or MASH I can watch in reruns 5-10 times before I get bored of them.

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