Friday, December 22, 2006

Spam motivation

A lot of the spam I get is trying to sell me stocks. Thing is, I'm not worldly enough to know how to go about buying stocks (sure I could find out, but I don't know offhand), but I am worldly enough to know not to buy stocks just because a piece of spam told me so. So that must mean that there are some people out there who know how to buy stocks, but don't know enough not to buy stocks recommended by spammers. I wonder who these people are?

Sometimes I google innocuous words and end up with results that are trying to trick me into clicking on what will likely end up being a porn website. This I also find odd. Why do you want to trick me into viewing porn? Aren't there enough people out there actively looking for porn? Do they really think I'm so distractable that I'm going to drop my line of research and subscribe to their porn?

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