Saturday, December 09, 2006

Invisibility, or politeness?

A Toronto Star reporter wears the same outfit for a month to see if anyone notices. Then she feels invisible because no one noticed.

Maybe they were just too polite to say anything?

I once had a prof who wore the same thing every time we saw her (we saw her twice a week.) It was occasionally mentioned behind her back ("You have Prof. X? Is she still wearing that purple thing?") but no one was so crude as to mention it to her face. In middle school or high school I'd expect someone to say something, but in adult life if I wore the same outfit two days in a row (which I'd only do with a laundry cycle in between) and someone commented, I'd just find that rather...not becoming a grownup. If I saw one of my co-workers wearing the same thing several days in a row, I wouldn't dare comment (and would probably graciously assume they like it so they bought several copies, or they're changing their undershirt or something).

Also, I think I'd find it rather comforting to learn that my wardrobe choices aren't subject to scrutiny.

1 comment:

heather said...

i agree. one of the few benefits f being an adult is that the dilemna of what to wear in the morning is not as centred around "when was the last time i wore this?" as it used to be.