Sunday, February 26, 2006

The smartest show on television?

When the TV show Frasier was running, it was often described as the smartest show on television. I just saw something that made me disagree.

I turned on the TV and a Frasier rerun was playing. Frasier and Roz were sitting in a restaurant. Roz was crying for some reason, and Frasier was consoling her. He had his arm around her and she was crying onto his shoulder. Frasier tells Roz that he is not going to leave her alone until he sees her smile. Then another woman comes up, clearly intended to be uber-sexy, and asks Frasier if he'd like to have a drink with her. The joke is clearly intended to be that as soon as Frasier says he's not leaving Roz, temptation to leave her walks right up.

But there's a huge problem with this: if you're going to attempt to pick a guy up, you're not going to do it when he has JUST put his arm around another woman! And even if it was clear to the other woman that he was consoling her, why on earth would she interrupt this clearly much-needed consolation?

That is stupid, not smart.

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