Saturday, August 15, 2009

Coffee with chocolate milk

This morning I put chocolate milk in my coffee. It tastes like yummy take-out hot chocolate. Imagine the hot chocolate from a place in the league of Tim Hortons, whichever of those places is your favourite to get hot chocolate from. You know it isn't actually real hot chocolate, you know it's from powder, you know it doesn't meet the standards of Stuff White People Like organic foodies, but it's yummy, dammit, and it makes you happy on a cold day!

That's what this tastes like. Not life-changing, not essential, but worth doing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

try it w/ Mexican chocolate!!! So yummy. especially during the winter months. Mexican chocolate has spices like nutmeg, cinnimon, sugar, and of course chocolate (and i believe others, not sure off top of my head).

hope you like it :)