Friday, August 28, 2009

What are you supposed to do when you hear someone scream outside?

I'm sitting hear in my apartment with the windows open and I hear someone scream, maybe two or three times. It could be a woman or a child. It doesn't sound specifically like distress, although it doesn't sound specifically playful either. I scream in more distress when I encounter an ordinary household pest. I can't see anything really, but it's dark out. The scream could be coming from the street, or the balconies of any of the neighbouring apartment buildings, or inside any of the neighbouring apartments if someone has a window open. The source of the scream could be anywhere within a three-block radius containing well over a thousand households. That's if I'm estimating correctly how far sound can carry.

Now I'm hearing other screams that sound playful from the same general direction. They are a mix of different voices, some male, some female, some children.

Now, if someone is in fact being attacked, it will be all over the newspaper tomorrow that no one called for help. But I'm sitting here 12 storeys above the ground, unable to see anything. Am I supposed to call the police saying it's possible someone in my general vicinity in this high-density neighbourhood might possibly be in distress, although it's possible they might be having fun, or might be a child being tormented by their sibling, or might be having an overzealous game of hungry hungry hippos?

Now I heard two more, more like the original voice, that sound more towards the distress side of the scale (but not objectively distressful).

It's 11:00 on a Friday night in a neighbourhood with a young adult demographic, so it would be very odd indeed if there was no one having fun under the influence of anything within this radius. And people having fun under the influence do often scream while walking down the street, although they tend to sound more obviously playful.

Two more: one not-really-playful, one more playful, followed by a loud collection of various voices talking loudly. Whatever's going on, there's an assortment of people of various ages and genders there, assuming I'm hearing who's all in the same place properly.

If I had a bug, I would scream in distress several times. Then I would deal with it, drink or med myself down, and go to sleep. If someone who isn't on my floor tried to come to my rescue, they'd never find the source of the screams.

One more, again didn't seem distressed or non-distressed, but the number and variety seem odd. Then two more that sounded like a child being tormented by a sibling, and a short one that sounded playful. A dog barks, a child shouts, a man calls out in response.

I don't want to live in a neighbourhood where you scream for help and no one helps, but I don't know where this person is or if they are screaming for help. Either they aren't or I have convinced myself they aren't. What are you actually supposed to do in this situation? What can I do if I'm ever on the street screaming for help to maximize the chance someone will help me? (One idea I once came up with is, if at all possible, to run out into traffic. Then I'm suddenly all the cars' problem too.)

And now it has started raining, and all I can hear is the rain beating down on my metal balcony railings.


laura k said...

This is a problem. It seems that unless you actually see someone in distress, you can't try to help them or effectively call for help.

A few weeks ago on a Saturday night, I was listening to a lot of noise in my neighborhood. This is highly unusual. At first I thought it was a real problem and I was going to call the police. Then I thought it was the fallout from a drunken party and some mildly out of control, but not dangerous, drunk men. I kept listening for female voices to determine whether or not to call the police.

Dharma Seeker said...

Unless you can give 911 specifics with respect to the location of the person you think might be in distress I wouldn't recommend calling. It's unlikely the police would give priority to looking for a needle in a haystack, especially in an urban area where there is probably no shortage of calls to attend.

If the screams are coming from an apartment down the hall, for example, that's a different. Better safe than sorry. I'd suggest making the call and letting a dispatcher decide whether to send someone and how soon. That's what they do :)

impudent strumpet said...

Cool, I didn't know the dispatcher was allowed to decide. I thought they had to send someone every time anyone calls.

Anonymous said...

Hi Impudent Strumpet,

We are interested in doing a radio interview of you this coming Friday afternoon concerning Dominion name versus Metro.

Counter Culture is a socially progressive radio talk show based in Ottawa, Canada.

Check out Parts 1 to 5 of the radio demo of our show that we uploaded to our YouTube Channel:

Please feel free to ask any additional questions.

John Stokes

Counter Culture Radio/The Canadian

impudent strumpet said...

No, thank you. I don't want to be on the radio. I hope you find someone suitable.

Anonymous said...

Well I heard someone scream outside at the top of her lungs saying "SOMEONE PLEASE CALL 911 PLEASE!" I don't know if I should or not because I don't want to be asked all these questions.

sad said...

wtf to anonymous above^. you horrible shit, because of a slight inconvenience for you, you'd let someone be in trouble? what is wrong with the world :\ so sad.

Unknown said...

so i was awakened bywhat sounded like a screaming women once, i was terrified and i cried i woke my mom up and she said it was probably baby cats, i wanted to call the police but she didn't let me :( now today i was awakened at about 1:45 am to the sound of what it seemed like a little boy screaming for help but only once and then it sounded like a car door close but i never heard the car start our drive off. its 2:35 and i can't see anything outside, i don't know what to do :(

Unknown said...

so i was awakened bywhat sounded like a screaming women once, i was terrified and i cried i woke my mom up and she said it was probably baby cats, i wanted to call the police but she didn't let me :( now today i was awakened at about 1:45 am to the sound of what it seemed like a little boy screaming for help but only once and then it sounded like a car door close but i never heard the car start our drive off. its 2:35 and i can't see anything outside, i don't know what to do :(

Unknown said...

so i was awakened bywhat sounded like a screaming women once, i was terrified and i cried i woke my mom up and she said it was probably baby cats, i wanted to call the police but she didn't let me :( now today i was awakened at about 1:45 am to the sound of what it seemed like a little boy screaming for help but only once and then it sounded like a car door close but i never heard the car start our drive off. its 2:35 and i can't see anything outside, i don't know what to do :(

Anonymous said...

I know this is old, but it will help me calm down to tell my story.

I was just getting into bed when i heard a female scream outside my apartment. We live in a small town where nothing ever happens, so to hear this at almost 11 pm is really unnerving. But also, children around here like to play and scare each other for funsies, so I couldn't be sure the scenario. But when nobody answered my calls of "Hello" and "are you ok??", I immediately called 911.

Now, I let the dispatch lady know that while I didn't want to be the person calling on nothing, I wasn't leaving room for me to be the person who didn't call when someone was in trouble. She and the sheriffs reassured me I did the right thing. They would rather be out there searching for ghosts than find out the next day that there was a body in a field and someone who heard it, but didn't call it.

If I were in distress and needed help, I would make it impossible to doubt me. Screaming, making as much noise as possible, and if I had the breath and ability to, screaming out "call 911." Just make it obvious. Likewise, if I happened to scream but it wasn't emergency danger, I would laugh loudly or at least answer if someone called out to help me.

Anonymous said...

I heard a car honk it's horn twice but they were far apart in times, then after I heard a girl scream not like the fun scream when your with friends but a real scream. I'm not sure if I shouod call 911 or not