Sunday, June 07, 2009

A pillow between your knees

The past few months I've taken to sleeping with a pillow between my knees. It's SO much more comfortable, like exponentially so - my hips are aligned better and don't need to be cracked nearly as much when I wake up. If I'm particularly stiff going to bed, curling up in a quasi-fetal position with a pillow between my knees feels like one of those static yoga poses that slowly loosens your joints. I just lie there still and feel my hips ease and relax.

I've mentioned this to several other people, and those who have tried a pillow between their knees all unanimously agree that it helps in a way similar to what I've described.

But why? Why are we designed so that we're more comfortable sleeping with a physical obstacle changing our alignment than sleeping however we just naturally fall? That doesn't seem like very good design to me.


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, I think that womens' hips have evolved to allow freaking huge baby heads to fit through them rather than for sleeping comfort.

laura k said...

And women's hips have evolved that way because the human head is so large.

And the head is so large because the brain so freaking big.

I've heard chiropractors, podiatrists and orthopedists say that being bipedal with a big (i.e. human) head creates a lot of problems. Sleep alignment must be one of them.