Thursday, June 04, 2009

Open Letter to Dominion (aka Metro)

Dear Dominion, who I'm not going to start calling Metro:

I know that the thing with charging five cents a bag is municipal by-law and your hands are tied. And while I do resent being inconvenienced even though I came up with a better solution, I get that it isn't your fault.

However, your pratice of having to ring in the number of bags before you ring in the groceries is ridiculous. I can't always tell how many bags I'm going to need just by looking at the groceries, and it's more important to have everything bagged well for the walk home than to save a nickel or two. I suck at 3D spatial estimation like that. Just bag my groceries, charge me for however many bags were used, and let me get on with life.

Update: I've taken to answering the question of how many bags do I want with "Whatever it takes." I'd recommend doing the same if you feel similarly.


karin said...

I had this exact same thought earlier tonight. Also, their bags are super gigantic now?

impudent strumpet said...

Weird, mine are still the same size, at least so far. Maybe they're trying to save customers money by requiring fewer bags? But that wouldn't work if you're buying heavy stuff.

impudent strumpet said...

Now mine are big, like 50% bigger. Which ultimately just means more plastic in the garbage, because I empty my kitchen garbage every day regardless of whether the bag is full.

Anonymous said...

I just got back from Dominion (I also refuse to call it by any other name, just like it will always be the skydome to me), purchased a bag and it was $0.05 + tax = $0.06 ??? Really since when is tax 20% - that's some rounding! Why not add it to the entire amount and then add tax?