Sunday, August 06, 2006

A note on body language

I can't find a picture of this leg crossing position, so you'll have to act it out yourself (unless you're wearing a short skirt and there's someone else in the room): Put your left foot flat on the floor. Now rest your right ankle on top your left knee. Your right calf should be perpendicular to your left thigh and parallel to the floor.

I just read that crossing your legs in this position means you're feeling competitive and argumentive.

I would like the world to know that, even though I sit like this all the time, it is not a sign of being competitive and argumentive. Rather, it's a sign that I'm knock-kneed and have snapping hip syndrome, and this position is the most comfortable way for me to sit for long periods of time without my joints getting stiff.


Anonymous said...

I like to sit like that! I have no reason not to! It is comfortable for me...and crossing your legs increases a woman's chance of getting vericose veins. I don't like those!

impudent strumpet said...

I doubt sitting ankle-over-knee is panacea for varicose veins, seeing as I've had them for years and years already