Thursday, July 15, 2004

I've been using the Reach Access flosser for a couple of weeks now, and it works in that I actually do floss with it.  BUT but but . . . since I started flossing, I've noticed that the gap between my two front teeth, which I got orthodontically removed in high school, has started to return!  Right now it's not too big, it's maybe one third of a millimetre, it's the smallest possible gap that could be there and look like a gap, but it's there!  GAH!  I thought flossing was supposed to be good for you!  So now I don't know what to do.  I still wear my retainer for about 15 hours per week, but maybe it isn't working any more.  I'll have to find an orthodontist and see about getting my retainer adjusted, because I'm sure as hell not going to start wearing braces again!  I get mistaken for a student enough as it is!

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