Thursday, March 11, 2004

A poll! A poll that is going to wreak havoc with my GoogleAds up top!

When you were a kid, the youngest age you can remember, what words did your parents teach you to refer to bodily fluids and bodily functions, ie: urine/urination, feces/defecation, gaseous emmissions of various sorts, vomit, anything else you can think of. Comment in the comment box!

For me:

urine/urination = pee/pee-pee
feces/defecation = poo/poo-poo
burp = burp (I don't even know if burp is the technical name or not)
fart (for which I don't know the technical name) = poopy air
vomit = upchuck
diahrrea (sp?) = the runs

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