Sunday, March 07, 2010

Things They Should Invent: coffee makers that automatically turn off when the carafe is empty

Having an empty carafe on the hot plate of a coffee maker is bad. It might damage the carafe, and there's no situation in which any good can come of this.

Solution: put some kind of weight detector under the hot plate. If the carafe is empty and the coffee is not in the process of brewing, it switches off the hot plate.

Since the weight detector is there, it could also be used to stop the coffee from brewing at all if there's no carafe on the hot plate.


laura k said...

That exists. Auto shut-off, a feature on many drip coffee makers.

impudent strumpet said...

Wow, really? My auto shut-off just turns the thing off if it's been on for an hour straight, regardless of what's in the carafe. Maybe I should have shopped better.

M@ said...

Thermal carafes solve all the problems except brewing coffee when there's no pot underneath. Which, unfortunately, I know from experience.

laura k said...

I've been there too. Lovely.