Saturday, November 28, 2009

The weird thing about Casablanca

I'm watching Casablanca on TV. It's a well-known piece of trivia that when they started filming they didn't yet know how the movie would end. I just realized that, because the move was released in 1942, they also didn't know how WWII would end!

That was something that really struck me as I was reading Suite Française - the author didn't know, and never would know, how WWII ended. But when they made Casablanca they didn't know either. And there's probably some other books or movies written during WWII and set in WWII where they didn't know how the war would end. That is so weird!

1 comment:

laura k said...

That's part of what made Suite Francaise so heartbreaking, eh? Knowing the ending, in several senses.

Cool thought re Casablanca. I never thought of that before!