Sunday, July 06, 2008

New marching orders for the pro-life movement

Top Secret Memo

To: All Pro-Life Activists
From: Headquarters
Subject: New Marching Orders
Security: Top Secret, Decoy Mode Only

In light of recent findings, we are now implementing an all new, far more insidious and far more effective strategy. You are hereby ordered to suspend all current operations. Repeat, suspend all current operations effective immediately. Henceforth, only the new strategy is to be used.

Our intelligence agents have successfully infiltrated the enemy and found some shocking but extremely useful information. It seems the enemy has convinced the world that certain earthly troubles outweigh the sheer joy and beauty that is the miracle of life. While this is a distressing development, it also provides the perfect opportunity to bring down the enemy for once and for all, when they will least expect it. Therefore, your mission is to infiltrate and befriend the enemy, win their trust, and identify every one of these problems that they use as an excuse to end lives. Then you will drop into stealth mode, and secretly, behind the scenes, permanently resolve these problems - not just for your subject, but for everyone in the world. Essentially, you will be working covertly to call the enemy's bluff.

For example, some enemy operatives use the fact that a child will have to live with certain medical conditions, or would inherit certain medical conditions from the mother, as an excuse to terminate it. In this case, your mission is to get all these medical conditions permanently and globally cured, so the enemy no longer has that excuse. Other enemy operatives use the fact that the parents simply do not want any children as an excuse to kill any children they do conceive. You can stop them in their tracks by facilitating access to surgical sterilization on demand, so they will never be able to conceive any children to kill. Another common excuse is that the child was conceived through rape or incest. In response to this, you will put an end to rape and incest everywhere in the world. Enemy operatives have also been known to use the fact that they cannot afford to care for and feed their children as an excuse for their bloodlust. Your mission is therefore to manipulate labour policy and social safety nets around the world so that everyone will be able to feed, house, clothe, and educate as many children as they can possibly gestate.

In short, identify every one of the enemy's excuses and eliminate those excuse from existence. Then the enemy will have nowhere to hide.

Be warned, as soon as the enemy gets wind of our new strategy, they will likely try to convince you that it has been superseded. Our intelligence suggests that their modus operandi will be to infiltrate some of our overt channels and issue orders that are more in line with our previous methods. Any such orders are null and void. Repeat, any such orders are null and void. These orders can only be voided through decoy channels. You can find the active decoy location at any time by following the same procedure you used to find this one. Any countermanding orders received through overt channels are to be considered enemy propaganda and handled accordingly.

Headquarters is aware that these are demanding and difficult orders and may in some cases go against your every instinct, but we have every confidence in you, our operatives. Never forget, because of your tireless efforts, there are over six billion souls alive on the planet today. The enemy has no defence against this new strategy, so with your hard-earned skills and expertise, we can crush them for once and for all!

Good luck and godspeed.

1 comment:

laura k said...

Daaaamn, you have great shower thoughts! This is brilliant. I'm going to link to it - just a heads-up in case you want to get your nails done or touch up your roots.