Thursday, July 24, 2008

It's PMS week, that explains everything

Yesterday I got all pissed off because someone was wrong on the internet. Today I'm getting all pissed off that random people aren't taking into account things that I've already diligently and thoroughly explained in my blog.

Yes, this blog, read by like five people, written by me with all my stellar credentials of is...yeah.

I think during PMS week I shouldn't be allowed to do anything on the internet except look at cute puppies, watch funny youtubes, and read good fanfiction (but only good fanfiction because bad fanfiction pisses me off too.)


laura k said...

Thank you for reminding me of how wonderful it is to no longer menstruate.

I wish you a bright non-menstrual future.

impudent strumpet said...

Unless, of course, this ends up being my natural hormonal level and once I no longer require hormonal regulation I'm like this all the time. PMS I hate, but predictability I love.