Saturday, October 20, 2007

Things They Should Invent: don't heat the subway

They're always talking about how the TTC can save money. Here's my thought: don't heat the subway. Or perhaps heat it a little, but set the thermostat to 10 degrees or something.

Why? Because if the outdoor weather demands a coat, everyone is wearing a coat when they go into the subway. If it's heated to 20 degrees, everyone gets sweaty, which in uncomfortable and unpleasant and inconvenient. In the spring and fall, I find myself actually taking off my jacket as soon as I enter the station just to avoid being soaked in sweat when I arrive at work. Given that everyone dresses for outdoors whenever they leave the house, I seriously doubt anyone would notice if, in the winter, subways were at a temperature where you need a jacket. I think you should be able to take your gloves off so you can read or do your homework or play video games without your fingers freezing, so some heat might be necessary if it's like -20 outside, but if it's 10 or maybe even 0 I don't think we need it.

Now air conditioning is very necessary in the summer, because the trains themselves generate heat in the stations, and all the bodies generate heat in the trains. But I don't think heat is nearly as necessary, especially when it's like 15 degrees out.

1 comment:

laura k said...

I hate the heated subways and buses. I'm thinking more of NYC but I'm sure it's the same thing. It's just as you say: we're all wearing coats, and now we're roasting.

As a person who is always overheated and who sweats too much, I would love it if the TTC took your advice.