Sunday, October 21, 2007

Locking the door

Sometimes people say of small towns that they're "So safe you can leave your door unlocked."

This made me think: how much good does locking the door actually do?

Someone comes to break into your house. They try the door. It's locked. Do they go away? Or, being the type of person who wants to break into a house, do they know how to pick the lock or break the door down or break a window? What percentage of people who want to break into a house are unable/unwilling to pick a lock or physically break in?

However, I continue to lock my door. Not because I expect that potential burglars/attackers will be stopped by a locked door, but because it will slow them down and make some noise. Hopefully this will alert me in time to grab the phone, look through the peephole, dial 911, and maybe be prepared with a blunt object or a knife or some chemicals to spray in their eyes or something. But honestly, I don't think it's going to be a full deterrent to that many people.


laura k said...

Lots of homes are burgularized only by trying doorknobs. Door locked, they go somewhere else.

In apartment buildings and in dorms, rapes are committed this way.

Please do continue to lock your door. It is a deterrent.

(I don't have any links for these assertions, but criminologists and others who study these things have confirmed it many times.)

impudent strumpet said...

Wow, those are some shitty burglars!

Lucky for me, I have a neighbour who, for some bizarre reason, keeps his door not only unlocked, but also propped open. I have no idea why and thus far have been able to resist the temptation of looking in. So those lazy-ass burglars are going to "Oooh, look, we don't even need to turn the knob!"

laura k said...

I guess they're burglars that have no break-in skills!