Monday, May 21, 2007

Now recruiting for the Colour Coordination Cabal

We in the Colour Coordination Cabal are attempting to take over and redefine global consciousness of what colours go together. If you're looking for once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be part of a conspiracy, now's your chance!

To join the Colour Coordination Cabal, all you have to do is one simple thing: define black and brown to be matching colours, regardless of their respective shades, and dress and accessorize yourself accordingly. That's it. According to the dictates of our philosophy, no shade of brown looks worse with black than any shade of black. All you have to do to be a member of this elite and exclusive cabal is to live your life in accordance with this philosophy.

Once we reach a critical mass of people pairing black and brown willy-nilly, the world will believe that they match, and dressing and accessorizing will become much easier for everyone. This is for the greater good, people! Join now!

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