Monday, May 21, 2007

The effect of parental age on parent/adult-child relationships

When I was born, my parents were several years older than I am now. This means that I have no memory whatsoever of my parents ever being my age, whatever age I've ever been in my life. Sometimes I do have to remind myself that they had more or less a decade of adult life before I came along - I sometimes feel incompetent that I'm not as good at grownup stuff as they are, and then I remember that when they were at this stage in their lives and perhaps still practicing this grownup thing, I wasn't there to witness.

But I do find myself wondering whether the dynamic of your relationship with your parents, or perhaps your perception of yourself as a grownup, changes when you reach an age that you can remember your parents being. I can't articulate why exactly I think this might happen, but I just have this idea that it might. Unfortunately, I don't know anyone who is close enough to me to discuss this sort of thing and also has young parents.

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