Sunday, August 07, 2011

Do landfills not work or something?

Two things that everybody knows:

1. You're supposed to cut up six-pack rings so fish don't get caught in them.
2. There's a big patch of plastic garbage floating in the ocean.

The question that both of these things raise: how is garbage that we intend to throw into a landfill end up in the ocean? When I throw something in the regular garbage stream (including six-pack rings), my understanding is that it ends up in a landfill somewhere in Southern Ontario and stays there forever, tragically never decomposing. Do landfills leak into the water table? If so, this needs to be more widely publicized. If not, how are all these plastic things getting into the ocean?


laura k said...

Three things that I know of. One, tons of garbage and recycling doesn't go where municipalities say it does. Perhaps not in Toronto, but globally. Two, much of the non-first-world still dumps trash in waterways that end in the ocean or in the ocean itself. And three, all the plastic that the first world dumped in waterways before that practice was banned is still there.

impudent strumpet said...

Even in the first world, they were actually dumping trash in the water with the assumption that it would go away? WTF?