Thursday, May 06, 2010

Things They Should Invent: reuseable LRTs

One major debate in Toronto transit planning is LRTs vs. subways. LRTs are faster and cheaper to build, subways are more user-friendly.

I'd much rather have an LRT right away than be stuck with buses for years and years and years waiting for a subway for the reasons described here. But I do find the subway a more pleasant way to travel overall.

So what I'd really like them to do is put LRTs in right away and then slowly replace them with subways. I doubt that would happen though - too much duplication of resources.

So what if we could reuse the resources? What if they could create LRT infrastructure that can be removed when we're done with it and used elsewhere in the city? You just take up the rails and install them in a different street, and send the LRT cars over there. They'd still have to budget for workers constantly building stuff, but that's job creation and would fall under the operating budget (as opposed to major kick-start capital investments) if they just had and budgeted for workers constantly expanding the TTC.

And what would we do with the LRT lanes once the tracks are removed? Bike lanes! Good, physically separated bike lanes like in Amsterdam. We sell this to drivers by telling them it will keep cyclist out of their way.

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