Tuesday, May 16, 2006


The current census raises many issues about privacy and equality and other important things.

But I didn't notice.

I was too excited about filling out forms.

You see, when I was a little girl, I liked to play at filling out forms. My parents would give me the subscription cards from their magazines, and I'd have fun writing in my name and address and telephone number. Sometimes I'd even get one of those product registration cards that asks for all your demographic information, and that would keep me amused for a terribly long time.

It turns out the part of my brain that was satisfied by filling out those subscription cards is still there and active, and it was made very happy when I got the long form census. So yeah, there are issues, but I just can't deny my inner little girl who's all excited about this great big form to fill out.


heather said...

i really don't get the whole privacy issue thing with the census. in australia they force you to vote for crying out loud. and how is the government supposed to know where to direct social programs without census information? anywho, thought i would rant about the ranters.

Anonymous said...

An elderly lady (friend of my Mother) calls my Mom yesterday and yells at her!

"You didn't tell me I had to fill out a census! You always inform me of things that are important! I was telling my friends, 'It isn't like [ ] not to tell me of important things!' I could go to jail!"

Note: This is a fiesty, German, elderly woman!

I think it is funny that you can be fined or have to go to jail! As if they would actually put people in jail...this isn't a census going back Jesus-style!