Sunday, December 11, 2005

Wedding invitation correction notices

This scene just popped into my head, and I can't remember where exactly it's from. It was in a TV show or a movie or a book or a comic strip or something.

The bride and groom get their wedding invitations back from the printer's, and they notice there's a mistake. So they get these correction notices printed up to insert into the invitation, but there's a typo on the correction notice that makes the groom's name sound funny. So they then get another correction notice printed up to give the correct spelling of the groom's name, and the invitations go out with two correction notices in them.

Does this ring a bell for anyone?


Anonymous said...

I'd give up and make my invitations with crayon. This would be much more professional than having two inserts of typos for a wedding invitation!

impudent strumpet said...

UPDATE: I can't confirm it, but I'm now pretty sure it's Joanie and Rick from Doonesbury.