Saturday, December 17, 2005

Lessons Learned: glasses lenses

Glasses lenses have brand names, and in each brand there are different types of lenses, like how there are Honda and Toyota and Ford cars, and then there are different types of Hondas, like the Accord and the Civic. All the different brands and types of lenses are easily googleable.

I'm pretty sure that depending on what types of lenses and coatings you ask for, they order a different brand and type of lens. For example, when I ordered my glasses, the lenses I got were Essilor Trio.

Therefore, I think a much more sensible way to go about this whole glasses business is when you're pricing things out, ask for the various brands of lenses and how much they cost, write it all down, then go home and google all the lenses. There should be enough qualitative and quantitative information available to compare them, then you can make an informed decision without being pressured or having to depend entirely on the optician's word.

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