Sunday, November 20, 2005

Open letter to white supremacists

While searching to see what the blogosphere had to say about the Cardinal McGuigan incident, I noticed that some white supremacists were citing it as an example to support their white supremacist ideas.

To those white supremacists: DON'T

It's already bad enough that some people are trying to make this about race rather than about the fact that a high school student was harassed and assulted and threatened for more than a year. By using it to forward your white supremacist agenda, you are simply providing more fodder for the unfortunate idea that it was all about race and not a valid sexual harassment/assault copmlaint at all.

This is not helping the victim.

If it really is strictly necessary for you to go around being white supremacists, do it in a way that doesn't make live even more difficult for victims of sexual assault.

1 comment:

Parzifal Odinson said...

its not about our "AGENDA" its about the whole fact that it was 1 little white girl WAS assulted for 2 years by a horde of young black youths....."NO ONE SAID A DAMN THING"
If the roles were reversed it would be a hate crime and It should be called not only a sex crime but a HATE CRIME....PERIOD