Sunday, July 28, 2019

Things They Should Invent: vastly different-sounding words for "credit" and "debit"

Many cash registers require the cashier to push one button if you're paying by credit card and another button if you're paying by debit card.

Problem: the words sound very similar, so there's a high likelihood that the cashier will mishear you when you tell them how you're paying. Then they'll have to re-input the transaction, wasting everyone's time and messing up their numbers.

Solution: words for "credit" and "debit" that are completely different.  Like one is "plop" and the other is "oogly-boogly".

I suppose, on an individual level, we could state the name of the credit card (e.g. "Mastercard"), but that always makes me feel like I'm in a commercial.

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