Monday, July 26, 2010

Things Should Invent: tell us the shipping method when we pay for our cart

I blogged before about how is now using UPS for its shipping, apparently in addition to Canada Post. I find this horrendously inconvenient, but when I emailed them to complain they told me that there's no way for me to set personal shipping method preferences.

If they can't do that (or, you know, just ship by Canada Post like normal people), they should allow us to see who the shipper will be when we make our cart. You can already tweak your cart to try to leverage discounts, see how different shipping options will affect the ETA, see how shipping items separately or changing shipping speed will affect the price, etc. Why not add an option to tell you which shipper will be used if you order now?

Surely the computer system knows this. (If it were down to human intervention, then we could obviously set a single shipper preference.) If they tell us when we're making our carts, then we can make informed decisions, and maybe they'll get more people paying to upgrade their shipping so they can get the kind of shipping they want.


1. Why are people saying "affirmative action" all the sudden?

The phrase "affirmative action" has been in headlines recently with reference to a federal government program. I find this completely bizarre, because federal doesn't call it affirmative action. Federal calls it Employment Equity. My understanding is that the term "affirmative action" is USian.

There are 11,600 google hits for the phrase "affirmative action" on federal government websites. The first of these is about the Employment Equity program, and nearly all of the rest of the first page refer to programs from other jurisdictions.

Meanwhile, there are nearly ten times as many google hits for "employment equity" on federal government sites.

However, as of this posting, there are 88 Canadian news articles for "affirmative action" and only 37 for "employment equity".

How on earth did that happen?

2. What's up with spinny legislation names?

The names of a couple of new pieces of legislation have caught my attention recently. These pieces of legislation are called the Truth in Sentencing Act and the Strengthening the Value of Canadian Citizenship Act. The reason they caught my attention is because the names are so spinny, in that they sound like they've been named by the PR department.

I don't think federal legislation names are usually that spinny. Skimming the alphabetical list of all the federal laws, it doesn't look like most of them are. The vast majority of the names seem completely neutral to me, and even those that aren't 100% neutral aren't nearly as spinny as these two new pieces of legislation.

Is this new, or have I just not noticed it before? Am I missing equally spinny legislation names? (If so, post them in the comments!) The Clarity Act and the Accountability Act come to mind, but that depends on the exact content (I'm not particularly fluent in any legislation.)

If it is new, do they not think it's detrimental to the credibility of the legislation and the government? Because I don't know about you, but it immediately puts my antennae up.

How oppressors work

Some people want to ban burqas/niqabs because they think the wearers are being oppressed into wearing them, and they think banning the garments will put an end to this oppression.

What I'm wondering: if you're enough of an oppressor to bring your family to a new country but then forbid them from wearing that country's conventional standard of dress if they choose to do so, why would a ban make you shrug your shoulders and say "Oh, okay, they can expose their faces in public then" rather than just forbidding your family members from leaving the house?

It would be interesting to take a poll of parents, and ask them "If an activity your child was involved in changed its uniform to something that you consider to be far too revealing for your child to wear in public, would you allow your child to continue the activity?"

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Help me not be one of those assholes

One of my biggest pet peeves is people who cannot see the point of view of a mindset that they themselves have had. For example, parents who can't look at a situation from a kid's point of view, married people who can't put themselves in the shoes of someone who lives alone, professionals who have forgotten what it's like to be in university, etc.

Now I'm afraid I've become one of those assholes. Please rescue me!

First, some background: My first language is English. We spoke English in the home growing up and I went to school in English. The first language I learned in school was French. I got rather good at it and took more and more French classes, then went to university to study translation, started working at bilingual jobs, and eventually graduated and became a translator.

Here's how my job works: I receive texts in one language, translate them, and deliver them to the client in the other language.

When you were reading that sentence, which language were you picturing me receiving the texts in, and which language were you picturing me delivering to the client in? Please mentally answer this question before you read on.


The fact of the matter is that I receive texts in French and translate them into English. (Some of you already knew that, I know.) This is standard operating procedure - the optimal situation is for translators to translate into their mother tongue.

But most non-translators, when they find out I'm a translator, think I translate from English to French.

Why do they think that? Did you think that when I asked you above? If so, why?

Here's where the assholery comes in: I used to think that myself. When I was aspiring to study translation but hadn't been accepted into the program yet, I thought I would be translating English to French. That's just how I assumed it would work. And I remember feeling vaguely disappointed when I found out it's French to English, as though that's something of an insult to my intelligence. But now I can't for the life of me remember why I thought that, which makes me one of those assholes.

Please, save me from my own assholery! Why did I think I'd be translating English to French?

Friday, July 23, 2010

The question no one has asked yet about the language test for new immigrants

I'm not in a position to evaluate the test itself. It pings my bad idea radar, but I can't make any definitive statements without more sample questions. And, of course, the idea of not having an exemption for people whose first (and perhaps only) language is already English or French is just as silly as it sounds. But after looking at the one sample question provided by the Toronto Star, the first question that comes to mind is:

Who stands to profit from this test?

The question provided shows a pie chart of Tomoko's expenses, broken down as follows:

Rent and food = 45%
Study materials = 25%
Clothes = 15%
Entertainment = 15%

Then some sentences about the pie chart are provided, and the candidate is instructed to correct the sentences. The first sentence given is:

Tomoko spends an equal amount of money on rent, food, study materials and entertainment.

The correct answer is to change "equal" to "unequal". But I didn't get that right away, and I don't know if it ever would have occurred to me to answer that way. I was reading the sentence wondering "Is this sentence trying to say rent=food=study materials=entertainment? Because rent and food aren't broken down separately. In any case, study materials is more than entertainment. So what are they asking me?" I probably would have ended up writing something true but far more complicated, like "Tomoko spends more on rent and food combined than on study materials, and more on study materials than on entertainment."

Part of the reason I didn't see the desired answer is because food and rent are a single item on the pie chart but listed as two separate, comma-delineated items in the question, which made me think the question is asking me for something more complicated than it is, on the assumption that this change is meaningful. In most language tests I've taken, when something is different in two different places on the same page, that's meaningful. (And I'd love to know the story of how that happened! If I or anyone on my team had been translating it, we would never have let that through and would have pointed it out to the client as something that might prevent candidates from being evaluated perfectly fairly.)

Another part of the reason is that in the many language tests and other tests I've taken and real-life situations I've been in, equal vs. unequal is never really a factor. More vs. less is a factor and specific numbers are a factor, but I have never in my life needed to think about equal vs. unequal in this sort of way. It's just never been the sort of thing that is meaningful enough to be on a test because it's so excessively obvious.

I understand the words perfectly, of course. It's just not within the scope of my experience with Things That A Test Might Be Asking Me. Understand, this sample was the very first time I've ever seen the IELTS, and this equal vs. unequal question was the very first IELTS question I ever saw. I didn't know what to expect, I didn't know if it would be insultingly easily or humblingly difficult, I didn't know what kinds of things they were looking for or what kinds of skills they were looking to test. All I had going in was a lifetime as a native speaker of English and decades of experience as a student of languages and as a student in general. It was not a failure of my English skills, it was a result of my lack of familiarity with this particular test.

"But you're just a mildly interested passer-by clicking on an internet link," you might be thinking, "In real life people prepare for tests!"

Yeah, that's why I'm wondering who profits.

In googling about this test, I found a lot of things for sale. Sample tests, exercise booklets, preparation kits, tutoring services - often at prices that would put a significant dent in a newcomer's budget. Free sample tests (some of dubious quality) certainly do exist, but for-pay materials fall into one's lap far more readily.

People do tend to get significantly lower marks when taking a test sight unseen than when they know what to expect from the test. For example, the result of my first professionally-administered IQ test was 135. Subsequent tests (both professionally-administered and not) clocked in at 150. During the first test, I just stared at the memory test pictures for the designated amount of time and struggled through the questions. In subsequent tests I knew they'd be asking things like "How many bluebirds are there?" or "What time does the store open?", so I was able to focus on those things and make good use of my memorizing time. The first time around, I guessed on every single memory question. Now, I systematically memorize the exact things they're looking for and get every question right with certainty. Familiarity with the test itself makes a massive difference, even if the candidate's skills level is the same.

And there seems to be a huge for-profit industry out there charging money to make people familiar with the IELTS test. If I were an investigative reporter looking for a juicy story, or a political partisan intent on bringing the current government down, I'd be digging into seeing exactly who stands to pocket these profits. If I were a member of the current government trying to make this policy look credible, I'd be working on making test preparation materials readily available at no cost, and/or work on making sure every single question in the version of the test administered to our immigrants is so clear and unambiguous in its expectations that there's no penalty for never having seen the test before.

Update: This is an interesting development. Language Log has determined that the sample test provided by the Star is not, in fact, a typical IELTS question. It seems it's an excerpt from unofficial training materials.

Several questions remain: So what does an actual IELTS question look like? Given that native speakers and second-language speakers make different kinds of mistakes, can the IELTS fairly and usefully assess native speakers? And what is the motivation behind suddenly testing native speakers? Is there a particular existing problem that this is meant to address? What is gained?

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Things They Should Invent: penance for cheaters

This post was inspired by this David Eddie column, where a woman who has been in a committed relationship for years finds herself thinking that perhaps she might like to try being with a man.

David Eddie says:

In other words, if you plan on having an affair with someone, you should first break things off with the person with whom you are in love, and have, by your testimonial, a committed relationship.

You could do it nicely, of course. Tell her (a compassionate version of) the truth. Something like: “Listen, I have a little matter I need to get out of my system, this kooky kink called heterosexuality, and unless I do it I’m afraid I’ll always be curious and could not in good faith go through with marrying you. Of course, I understand if you say no. But do you think you could see your way clear to waiting for me while I work this out?”

It occurred to me while reading this that one of the many possible outcomes is that, while Girlfriend doesn't specifically offer to wait, maybe Ms. Bicurious discovers rather quickly that having a male partner doesn't live up to her fantasy and goes crawling back to Girlfriend while Girlfriend still loves her (because you don't just stop loving someone like flicking a switch).

And it occurred to me that if it played out this way, Girlfriend should get some kind of credit or compensation or something. After all, she was a good girl, devoted to her partner, secure in her sexuality. Shouldn't that count for something?

So what they should do is when a couple is trying to save their relationship after an affair, the marriage counsellor should impose a penance on the cheater. It could be something intended to put the wronged party's mind at ease (e.g. they're allowed to snoop in the cheater's email for six months), or it could be punitive (e.g. the cheater has to do the dishes for a year). Both parties agree on what seems reasonable, sign a contract, and when the penance is completed the cheater is deemed to have paid their debt.

This way, the wronged party gets a sense of vindication, but the debt is also considered paid off once the penance is done, so the affair isn't looming over their head to be dredged up in arguments for the rest of their lives.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

How to put eyedrops in if you're squeamish

This is not a proper medically approved method. This is a method that works for me. I'm inclined to freak out at the prospect of anything getting near my eyes, but I can do this calmly and comfortably.

1. Stand with your right shoulder facing the mirror.
2. Lean in close to the mirror and look at yourself in the mirror out of the corners of your eyes, turning your head only the absolute minimum necessary. For the rest of this process you will look ONLY at the reflection in the mirror. You will not look at your own hands or body or the eyedropper; look at these things in the mirror if you need to look at them. Maintain eye contact with your reflection as much as humanly possible.
3. Hold onto the bottom outside eyelashes of your left eye, and gently pull your bottom eyelid away from your eye as far as you comfortably can.
4. Drop the eyedrops into the little pocket created by your bottom left eyelid.
5. As soon as the drops go in, let go of your eyelid, shut your eyes, and tilt your head back. (This will keep you from blinking the drops out). Return your head to the normal position and do whatever you need to do to be comfortable without blinking furiously.
6. Once you're comfortable and the drops are settled in your left eye, do the other side.

This method is useful because you can't see the eyedropper or the drops coming at your eyes, you can only see the reflection in the mirror. Using the mirror and making eye contact with your reflection makes sure your eyes stay away from the dropper, so you can go through the process almost in the third person. But using the mirror instead of going by feel makes sure you aren't surprised when the drop hits your eye, which keeps you from fighting it off.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Do you support the police? Then you should be calling for a G20 inquiry.

"The police are just decent, hard-working people doing their very best under difficult conditions."

When decent, hard-working police officers do their best under difficult conditions, the results should be ordinary, law-abiding citizens feeling at least as safe as when they went in. Even if the results of the police work are far from perfect, the involvement of the police should make the citizens feel less at risk than if the police were not present at all.

But what we have at the moment is thousands of ordinary, law-abiding citizens who are more afraid of the police than of the black bloc, and who feel less safe when they see a police officer.

A full, thorough, credible, independent inquiry empowered to produce useful and binding recommendations would identify any systemic problems that hindered these decent, hard-working police officers and turned their efforts to do their job to the very best of their ability into something that makes ordinary, law-abiding citizens feel less safe. The inquiry could then make recommendations to resolve these problems and ensure that in the future decent, hard-working police officers doing their very best produce results that make ordinary, law-abiding citizens feel safer than if there were no police around.

And, of course, if there's no actual basis for our feelings of being less safe around police, the inquiry would definitively identify that.

"People need to stop whining! So you're inconvenienced for a bit - it's to be expected!"

If the detentions of law-abiding citizens were within the range of acceptable inconvenience, a full, thorough, credible, independent inquiry will quickly identify that and then we can all move on (with the thousands of people who are feeling unsafe now feeling safe). If they did exceed the range of acceptable inconvenience, recommendations and changes will be made to ensure that in the future ordinary, law-abiding citizens - like you, perhaps - will not have to suffer anything beyond the scope of simple inconvenience if you ever happen across the threshold of a police investigation.

"If you're a law-abiding citizen, you should just shut up and support the police! They're here to protect you!"

A full, thorough, credible, independent inquiry would prove that, so people who lost trust in the police can once again support them. This would make the police's job easier in the long run. It would also help them solve crimes faster, because people who have witnessed something or otherwise have useful information would not be afraid to go to the police. If the unusual police response was due to the unique circumstances of the G20, an inquiry would definitively establish that and make it known to everyone, so we'll be confident we can trust our police under ordinary circumstances. And if there was something that did go wrong, an inquiry will identify it and come up with a solution, so anyone who was led to distrust the police during the G20 can still support them in the future.

Basically, a full, thorough, credible, independent inquiry conducted by a party acceptable to all (I've seen Sheila Fraser's name put out there) with the power to make binding recommendations will identify, highlight, vindicate, and give credit for all positive actions and accomplishments by police. It will identify anything beyond police control that made the results of their work suboptimal, so the police get none of the blame for what wasn't their fault. It will identify as groundless any groundless fear-mongering that might be out there, come up with solutions to prevent any actual problems that occurred from happening again in the future, and lay the groundwork for rebuilding the public's trust.

If you want the police to get credit for their hard work, you should support an inquiry. If you want to make sure the police don't get blamed for anything that isn't their fault, you should support an inquiry. If you want to debunk anti-police fear-mongering, you should support an inquiry. If you want the public to trust the police, you should support the inquiry. If you, in any way, support the police, you should support an inquiry.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Analogy for trust

This is a rerun straight from the braindump. As was I working on deconstructing and reconstructing it coherently, I realized this needs to be its own post.

Are you in love with me? You should be, you know! You should love me! I'm lovable! Sure, I'm not perfect, but who is? I'm just a decent human being doing my best. You'd better love me, because if not you're going to be alone forever or stuck with some idiot!

That's not going to make you love me, now is it? Even if everything I've said there is true, it's not enough to make you love me. I'd need to provide evidence of my loveability, over a long period of time and ideally through some adversity.

Now imagine if there were a bunch of people out there, saying that they're my former lovers, all with stories of how unlovable I am. Some of these people are public figures with a reputation to maintain, for whom there would be no benefit in repeating this information if it weren't true. Their stories are all consistent, pointing to clear patterns of behaviour (as opposed to being one-off flukes), and some of them are backed up with photographic and video evidence.

In that case, I'd have to work even harder to make you love me. I'd have to show, over an even longer period of time and with greater reliability, that it's safe to love me. I'd also probably have to articulate to you what has changed that will prevent this unlovable behaviour from recurring in the future. If I said "Oh, I was doing that because I once had a lover who treated me poorly," that wouldn't be enough to mitigate your concerns. I would need to give you clear specifics of what has changed that to prevent me from repeating the same pattern in the future, and also show positive behaviour over the long-term, including through the kinds of adversity that triggered my previous unlovable behaviour. The more you hear, the more you can't just love me.

This is why I can't just trust the police, no matter how much people tell me I should trust them.

Wanted: food price controls

Dear Governments:

Please give us food price controls!

This week I was thrilled to buy my very first basket of Ontario peaches of the season! I'm not normally a seasonal fetishist (I tend to roll my eyes when people use "seasonal" as the be-all and end-all of positive adjectives), but peaches are one of the foods where imports really don't taste nearly as good as the local and seasonal variety that came off the tree less than 24 hours before I bought them.

I saw some Ontario peaches in the supermarket earlier this week, but the ones in the farmer's market are usually better and yummier. So I waited until market day, looked at all the farmers' tables and chose the very best-looking basket of peaches, and handed over my money. $7. Rather a lot for fruit, but I'm willing to pay.

Then, later the same day, I went to the supermarket to buy ice cream. It wasn't anything particularly special, just regular commercial ice cream. I don't normally buy large tubs of ice cream (I don't have the space in either my freezer or my jeans) but the flavour I wanted didn't come in anything smaller than 2L (#FirstWorldProblems), so I bought that. It cost me $5.

I also noticed that the crappy California import peaches were like $2 or $3 for a basket, even though they've had to be driven all the way up here on a truck.

And meanwhile, McDonald's has a dollar menu.

This is not right! Of all the foods I've described here, it's best - for me, for the environment, for public health, for the local economy - for me to be eating the Ontario peaches. They should be most affordable! If I had hungry children and limited money, the Ontario peaches would be completely out of reach, and McDonald's would be my best bet for making sure no one goes to bed hungry.

I shouldn't even be thinking "Well, peaches are expensive, but I'm willing to pay." I should be thinking "Well, potato chips are expensive, but I'm willing to pay." And then buying local fruit straight from the farmer to save money.

Dear Governments: Please give us food price controls! Charge a levy on my potato chips and use the money to make the peaches more affordable while still paying the farmer decent compensation. I want to pay $7 for the privilege of eating a bag of chemically potato chips, so that I can pay $2 for a basket of peaches straight off the tree.

I don't mind all the taxes and levies and whatnot on alcohol, because I do agree that it's a "sin" (in the "sin tax" sense, not in the catholic sense) and an indulgence. I have no objection to the principle of eco fees, it's just the way they're being implemented (not on the price tag, added at the register with no warning) that's a problem. I'm more than happy to pay extra for subpar purchases in order to make more optimal purchases more affordable.

The relative prices of food are broken. We as individuals can't fix it ourselves, we need broader policy to make this happen. Help us! Fix it! Give us affordable responsible choices, less-affordable irresponsible choices, and a decent income for our farmers. We can't do it alone!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Sexy Tunes

An assortment of sexy tunes to end off the week:

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

"Their parents must be so proud"

I've seen variations on this (clearly sarcastic) statement in many of the places where pictures/videos of G20 vandals are posted.

What I don't understand: why would you say that? What do their parents have to do with anything, and how did it occur to the speaker to mention them in the first place?

Are the people who make this statement implying that they shouldn't have been vandalizing specifically because it would embarrass their parents? If so, do the people who say this take their parents' reactions into account when making everyday choices? Because I don't know about you, but I don't give it a moment's thought - it's just completely irrelevant.

Or are they implying something else? If so, what?

I can't even begin to fathom why this would be anyone's reaction, but I've seen it an awful lot. Help me understand.

Wherein the Senate forces me to rethink everything I've ever learned at all ever

My first impressions of the Senate came when I was a child (somewhere in the 9-12 age range) from overhearing the adults around me. It was the lazy fat cat sort of stereotype that's useful for Air Farce sketches and Toronto Sun headlines. The sort of thing that's clearly A Problem.

Then when I started translating and started looking at bits of the Hansard on a regular basis, I gained a more nuanced perspective. They do actually have a role. They do actually do stuff. The fact that they're appointed does serve a purpose.

This is a normal learning arc for me. I start with a crude idea of the concept in question absorbed from my environment, then as I learn more I gain a more nuanced view that questions many of the assumptions I grew up with. That's what always happens, with everything.

But with yesterday's events, it seems I was wrong about my more nuanced view of the Senate, and the stereotypes I grew up with were more accurate.

So were the nuances I thought I saw not really there? Where did I get these ideas from? And how can I trust other things that I see as more nuanced than I once thought they where? Or was what I saw once true, and the nature of the Senate has changed just recently?

If this isn't a fluke or a very recent change, then this will have been the first time in my life that a dynamic opinion has ever changed direction for me. I've always trusted the direction of my dynamic opinions because they've always served me well, but if this one's wrong then the rest of them might be wrong.

So now I have to learn a whole lot about the Senate. I have to learn whether this vote is typical or whether they're usually more intelligent about these things. I have to track how often votes follow party lines uber alles. Because until I figure this out, I don't know how much I can trust everything I've always known about how my mind works and how I learn.

I don't have time for this!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Sober second thought: ur doin it wrong

As I've blogged about before, my experience with the Senate (like my experience with the House of Commons) comes in one-sentence slices from the Hansard. I have tools where I enter a word or phrase and it searches the Hansard (and other sources, but I like the Hansard best for many things) for every occurrence of that word or phrase, and shows every sentence where it occurs alongside the translation for that sentence. It's a good way to get a quick sense of the scope of an expression's meaning and some ideas for how to translate it. I can expand any sentence to see the whole context whenever I want; sometimes I do it for translation purposes, sometimes just because I'm curious about WTF led a person to utter that particular bizarre sentence. I'll admit I never actually followed a bill all the way through from start to finish, but I have glimpsed thousands of little slices of Senate and House of Commons life, like if you had CPAC on in the background all the time instead of CP24.

From this vantage point, I developed a sense that the Senate is in fact a chamber of sober second thought. It has always looked less partisan to me (I can very rarely tell the party affiliation of the speaker in the Senate Hansard, but I can almost always tell in the House of Commons Hansard), more measured and controlled and dignified, and more concerned with getting the legislation right than with scoring political points.

Because of this impression, I haven't supported Senate reform. I was concerned that having senators run for election would make them more likely to play partisan politics like their Commons counterparts, which would eliminate any value they add. I strongly believed that their unelected nature and lifetime appointments gave them the safety net they needed to stay above the political fray and speak truth to power.

This is why I was absolutely shocked today to see that the Senate passed the budget bill without amendment. I was shocked not only that they passed a budget bill containing all kinds of things that are outside the scope of a budget bill, but also that the vote basically came down to bums in seats and party lines. If that's what we wanted, we wouldn't need a Senate! The House of Commons already does that!

This omnibus bill was precisely the sort of excessive political whim that the Senate was created to protect Canadians from. Regardless of how you feel about its component parts, splitting it up and voting on the component parts separately would have been the right thing to do. If they aren't going to take advantage of the security provided by their lifetime appointments to rise above the fray, look beyond party lines, and give Canadians sober second thought, then we quite simply have no use for a Senate.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Why are people absolving the black bloc of basic personal responsibility?

This post builds on ideas from my G20 braindump and occurred to me while reading this post from James Bow, but can be read without prerequisites.

A lot of people have been asking lately "Why didn't the legitimate demonstrators do anything to stop the black bloc?" (And, indeed, that has been used as justification for Queen & Spadina.) Some have asked in return why the police didn't do anything to stop the black bloc. Some have pointed out that that people did try (both successfully and unsuccessfully). Some have pointed out that the black bloc people were taking a different route than the main march, so the leaders among the legitimate demonstrators wouldn't have been in the areas. Some have pointed out that the black bloc were simply vandalizing property, not putting anyone's life and safety at risk, and if you call 911 to report a property crime in progress the operator will tell you to stay out of the way and keep yourself safe.

My first thought, as I mentioned in #9 of my braindump, was that not everyone can make people listen to them. People tend not to listen to me, so I normally couldn't stop them no matter how hard I tried.

But then, while reading James Bow, it occurred to me that in real life, in the regular adult world, there is no "Why didn't you stop him?" We are held responsible for our own actions; the people next to us aren't held responsible (directly or indirectly) for our actions. I can best explain with a couple of real-life examples.

Example 1: when we met Eddie Izzard, I went babbly stupid and made a complete ass of myself. Everyone else in our group was cool, but my idiocy reflected poorly on our entire group, thus depriving everyone of whatever awesomeness happens when a celebrity thinks you're cool. If Poodle's cool friends weren't far too polite to say anything, they might have said to me "WTF are you being such an idiot for?" However, they wouldn't have said to, say, TravelMaus (who was adjacent to but unaffiliated with our group) "WTF are you letting her be such an idiot for?" They wouldn't even have said that to Poodle, who was the one who brought me to the stage door in the first place. They might have asked him in a private moment "So what's her deal? Is she completely socially inept?" But it wouldn't have occurred to anyone to hold someone else responsible for not stopping me from being an idiot. My idiocy is on me, even when it ruins things for everyone.

Example 2: once one of my co-workers tried to bring his new dog into the office to show it off. The building security guards stopped him and told him dogs aren't allowed in the building. I repeat: they stopped him, the man with the dog. They didn't stop the people walking into the building next to him and tell them not to let him bring the dog in. So then he hung out with the dog outside the building, and some of us came outside to meet the dog. We walked right out the front door and then petted and played with the dog in full view of the security guards. We were quite clearly pro-dog and anyone with half a brain could see that we had probably encouraged the dog infiltration. But they didn't do anything because playing with a dog outside the building is totally allowed. They didn't scold us for wanting the dog in the building, they scolded the person who actually brought the dog into the building. Because that's how the world works. If you do something that's not allowed, you aren't absolved of your responsibility just because there are people doing nothing to stop you, and perhaps even watching with interest.

So why should the bad guys get a bye?

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Dear retailers: please include eco-fees in the sticker price

Dear retailers:

When I'm shopping, what I want to know is how many dollars I have to give you to acquire a specific product. I don't care why I have to pay you which dollars, I don't care where the money is allocated. I just want to know how much money I have to pay. Including the eco-fee in the sticker price does this. However, adding it on as a separate line item at the register is completely useless and makes me feel cheated, like those phone companies that advertise a low price and then add a system access fee and a 911 fee and a touch-tone fee (how are system access and 911 and touch tone not part of phone service?) or when I get my hydro bill and see a charge of $12 for the electricity I used and then an additional nearly $30 in regulatory charges and delivery charges and debt retirement charges and administrative charges.

Itemizing bills like this is useless. It's as meaningless to me as if you tell me that $X went to raw materials and $Y went to labour and $Z went to transportation costs. I don't care! Just tell me how many dollars you want for it! Posting one price and then adding additional fees that either aren't posted or that you have to look hard for is completely uninformative. "This costs $15, plus some extra amounts that we aren't going to tell you."

I blogged before about how I want them to include sales tax in the price, and some people mentioned that it used to be that way and people found it untransparent. So if they want to provide a breakdown on the price tag and/or on the receipt, that's fine. But please, I implore you, make the big price on the label the total, including eco-fees (and, ideally, sales taxes and any other additional fees there might be). Doing this would make me feel full-informed. Not doing it makes me feel cheated.

Friday, July 09, 2010

Immigration policy FAIL

This article mentions in passing the Canadian immigration policy I hate the most:

Badwal [age 35] met Shahi, 30, online in 2006. She lived in Brampton; he lived in a dusty village in Punjab, India. Soon, they exchanged photographs and were chatting on the phone. In November 2007, Badwal, who then worked for the Royal Bank of Canada, went to India and they got married.

“I totally believed he was the right person for me,” said Badwal. “He was open-minded, nice, attentive ...”

She returned to Canada and, in March 2008, filed an application to sponsor him. In December, the application was rejected because of the age difference and compatibility issues, said Badwal.

I absolutely detest the fact that if you want to sponsor your spouse to come to Canada, Immigration has to approve the match. And they reject applications on such ridiculous grounds as a five-year age difference in a couple in their 30s.

Now you might be thinking "But this guy ended up being a fraud. They were right to reject his application!" But if they were going to reject his application because he's a fraud, it should have been on the grounds that he's a fraud. Using a five-year age difference as a reason to reject an application destroys any credibility they might have had.

As Canadian citizens, we can marry each other as stupidly as we want. I could propose to that scraggly homeless guy who walks around wrapped in a blanket with no pants and offer him an air conditioned apartment and a dental plan in exchange for spider-killing services and the right to use the phrase "my husband" in casual conversation. It would undoubtedly be a foolish thing to do, but at no point in the process would any government official scrutinize our relationship to evaluate whether it's a suitable match.

We also need to be able to enter into international marriages that are suboptimal matches, or foolishly impulsive, or ill-advised, or consensual marriages of convenience. As long as both parties fulfill the sponsorship agreement and they aren't defrauding each other, anything goes. If Immigration truly has to investigate relationships to prevent fraud, they need to figure out a way to detect genuine fraud without deeming invalid perfectly consensual marriages that are beyond the reach of some petty functionary's imagination. If a relationship can be deemed unsuitable because of a five-year age difference, what other perfectly legitimate relationships are being rejected?

Our country decided, long before I was born, that the state has no business in the bedrooms of the nation. This should also apply for immigration policy.

Thursday, July 08, 2010

Three more G20 questions

1. As I blogged about recently, there have been instances of authorities making observably blatantly false statements in the media. The two I noticed were G20 Director General Sanjeev Chowdhury's assertion that downtown Toronto is empty on weekends, and Police Chief Bill Blair's (admittedly clever) attempt to imply that there's no valid reason why an innocent passer-by would be at Queen & Spadina on a beautiful Sunday afternoon.

But who was their target audience for these statements? Who were they trying to win over? By making such clearly false statements, they are losing all credibility in the eyes of the hundreds of thousands (millions? probably millions when you include tourists and former residents) of people who have seen these parts of the city with their own eyes. Which also means that the people they are trying to win over aren't among these millions. So who are these people who have never been to downtown Toronto, who are so concerned about the quality of security response in Toronto, and whose favour is so important that they're willing to throw away their credibility in the eyes of the millions?

2. A number of parties have gone out of their way to laud the police, most astonishingly City Council's recent vote to “commend the outstanding work” of the police department.

My question: What exactly did the police do that these parties think is exceptionally good?

I think we can all agree that rounding up and detaining hundreds of innocent people is subpar police work. We expect better of our police. And I think we can all agree that letting the black bloc people run their full gamut, change clothes, and vanish into the crowd unhindered when outnumbered 50 to one by police is also subpar police work.

So this means that, in some area, the police must have exceeded expectations. Especially for City Council to go out of their way to have this symbolic vote two weeks after the fact, when they could have just quietly gone about City business and no one would have noticed. So what did the police do that was good enough to outweigh the bad and earn them laurels whose absence would have gone unnoticed?

3. It seems that the G20 themselves are especially concerned about having all countries reduce their debt. My question, and you might have to explain it slowly because I have no economics training: why does a country care about other countries' debt levels? How does US or British or Greek debt affect Canada?

Is this analogous to individuals' household debt? I have always felt vaguely safer because I have less debt than most of my contemporaries. Am I mistaken in this feeling, and if so, why? Is my neighbour's debt really bad for me? If so, how?

Quick thought

From the Twitter-worthy but too long for Twitter files:

There seem to be some people out there who think the fact that the police rounded up and arrested a whole bunch of innocent people makes up for the fact that they didn't stop any of the black bloc vandals. As though mass arrests of passers-by aren't another problem. As though it all averages out. There was even a letter to the editor of the Globe & Mail to the effect of "People complain that the police didn't do enough on Saturday and did too much on Sunday. Maybe they did just right?"

These people should be arrested.

Seriously. It's perfectly consistent with the internal logic of the universe they occupy. They'll think they're helping the police solve crimes.