Thursday, June 04, 2020

New Rules: Natural Consequences Edition XIV

19. If you're giving advice on how to make or fix something, and you say you can do it with "things you have around the house", you are required to provide those things to anyone in your audience who doesn't already have them around the house. You aren't allowed access to those things in your own home until everyone in your audience has them.


laura k said...

Oh yeah! "Things around the house" with the silent "if you own and know how to use a crosscut saw, a sewing machine, a glue gun, and a few yards of fabric". Bah. DIYers!

impudent strumpet said...

I'd like to see a Venn diagram of how the "things you have around the house" people overlap with the aggressive decluttering people. I've noticed some overlap, I'm not sure how common it is.

laura k said...

But aggressive declutterers have fewer things around the house.

impudent strumpet said...

That's what I would have thought. But, somehow, I keep encountering people who are very vocal about decluttering and are very vocal about things they think everyone has around the house.

Meanwhile, I somehow never declutter, and have nothing around the house, and have an apartment full of clutter.

laura k said...

I love to declutter. I'm always donating or selling things I no longer use.

My partner is a hoarder, but we've agreed that I don't touch his space. I'm missing out on the decluttering challenge of a lifetime. (In return he respects the neatness of our shared space.)

Neither of us can make anything with things we have around the house.