Sunday, August 04, 2019

The Segoe UI font is easy to read with convergence insufficiency and accommodative insufficiency resulting from head trauma

Recently, for the first time since my head injury, I received a text to translate that I could actually read effortlessly!

I immediately checked what the font was, and it turns out it's called Segoe UI.  I changed my default Firefox font to Segoe UI, and now life is so much easier!

So if you're ever looking for a font that's effortlessly readable with convergence insufficiency and accommodative insufficiency resulting from head trauma, Segoe UI fits the bill!

I'm working on adding Segoe UI to my blog's style sheet so everyone can enjoy its effortless readability (just plugging it in turned out to mess up the font size, so I need to do some tweaking).

However, I'm not the audience of my blog - in fact, I am the one person in the world who has the least need to find my blog readable! - so if at any point you find the font has become less readable, leave me a comment to let me know, ideally articulating the specific problem (too big? too small? too fat? too skinny? too much of some other characteristic that I can't even fathom?)

1 comment:

laura k said...

Fantastic that you found a font that works for the current state of your brain.

I want to read more about these insufficiencies, will be googling.