Saturday, November 07, 2020

Gold Bond Ultimate Healing: a hand cream that meets my pandemic needs

Gold Bond Ultimate Healing Hand Cream
 As I've blogged about before, I've needed to up my hand lotion game because of all the additional pandemic handwashing.

Lately I've been using Gold Bond Ultimate Healing Hand Cream, and it seems to do the job. I'm moisturizing my hands exactly the way I was before the pandemic, and they feel comparable to their pre-pandemic state, with no cracking or pain.

My dyshidrotic eczema is still present, but under control, but which I mean it's in the calmest and least itchy state it can be in while still existing.  

I haven't tried every hand cream out there so I don't know if this is the best one, but my hands feel like there's no pandemic, and that's not nothing.


Elle said...

That's great. Do you know if it comes in fragrence-free/unscented?

impudent strumpet said...

There's only one version on the shelf. It doesn't say unscented on the label, but I also can't smell anything when I smell it with my nose. (Although I'm not sensitive to fragrance.)

It's packaged in a way that you could open it up and smell it in the store, although perhaps that's a post-pandemic activity.