Sunday, March 29, 2009


I've been receiving a lot of political propoganda lately assuring me that longer jail sentences have been introduced, so my children will be safe from gang members. That's not quite my top concern at the moment. However, for the benefit of anyone who would like to win my vote, here's a list of anti-social behaviour that I'd like to see strictly penalized:

- Blocking the subway escalator when there is a train actually in the process of arriving.
- Spouting platitudes in situations where they aren't actually helpful.
- Making environmental policy that assumes that everyone has a car.
- Using a flat iron to curl hair. That's just perverted and against nature.
- Posting/forwarding urban legends that have been debunked by Snopes.

1 comment:

Me said...

People should be put in prison for wanting to put others in prison as oppose to intiating reforms.