Thursday, August 15, 2024

Analogy for being in a fandom where the creator turns out to be harmful

Being in a fandom where the creator turns out to be harmful is like being a smoker.
First it's just something you see around, you see other people engaging with, so one day you think "I'm seeing that around a lot, I think I'll give it a try and see what it's all about."
And then you're hooked.
And then you find out about the harm.
At this point, some people are strong enough to quit cold turkey and walk away forever.
Some people aren't strong enough to quit immediately, but will eventually break the habit.
And some people will never manage to break the habit.
Some people don't like to admit that they aren't strong enough to break the habit, so they go around belligerently blustering or making excuses or telling each other it's Good, Actually. 

But the important thing, once you learn about the harm, is to keep the habit contained in designated areas, so those who specifically want to avoid it can easily do so, and so your inability or unwillingness to break the habit doesn't harm other people who are just trying to go about their lives.

And it's also important to avoid indulging your habit in a way that, intentionally or not, promotes it, glamorizes it, makes it trend, or otherwise leads unsuspecting people who are unaware of the harm to think "I'm seeing that around a lot, I think I'll give it a try and see what it's all about."

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