Friday, April 23, 2021

What to do if you're concerned about someone's health

A thing that exists in the world: kind, well-intentioned people who are concerned about others' health.
Another thing that exists in the world: assholes who go around nagging, judging and generally making life unpleasant for other people whose lifestyle they deem suboptimal and, when called out on it, say "But I'm just concerned about their health!" 

So, if you are not an asshole at all and are in fact a kind, well-intentioned person who is genuinely concerned about someone else's health, here's what to do:

Lower their stress.
High stress is bad for people's health. Lowering stress is an excellent way to improve health. Stress is often caused or exacerbated by externalities, thereby making it a prime candidate for external solution.

So when you're worried about someone's health, give them a discount! Let them pet your puppy! Deliver your portion of the project well in advance of your deadline so they have more time to do their portion of the project before their deadline!

Basically, do whatever is within your power that will actually, IRL lower their actual real-life stress. 

Here's the tricky part: you have to do what will actually lower their stress. Not what you think should theoretically lower their stress, not what would lower your stress if you were in their situation. 

And you also have to be careful not to put any additional burden on them. For example, for some people, a gift of a spa day would lower their stress. For others, it would be one more thing to juggle into their schedule.

And if, upon reflection, you don't see anything you could do that would actually lower their actual real-life stress and definitely would not place any additional burden on them, this is likely a sign that you aren't close enough to them to see the whole picture. And advice given by people who aren't close enough to see the whole picture is disproportionately likely to come across as assholic.

1 comment:

laura k said...

Your closing paragraph -- zing! Definitely a good reminder that many people need to hear, myself included.