Saturday, January 11, 2020

Breathe Right nasal strips for a runny nose: effective but messy

I have some serious and complex blog posts I'm working on that were stymied first by xmas, then by an annoying cold/virus thing that left me unable to do anything but drink tea while wrapped in blankets for over a week.

But, during the course of my cold/virus thingy, I finally had the opportunity to try a sample of Breathe Right nasal strips that I'd received ages ago. I was skeptical that they'd work for a cold, but I was too congested to sleep and I don't like taking decongestant (makes me wake up with my mouth painfully dry. So I decided to give them a try.

Surprisingly, they helped! They opened my nose by just a tiny amount, but it was enough to let me breathe well enough to fall asleep without decongestant.

The downside: if you have a really runny nose and you open it up wider, more snot comes out!  I woke up looking like a toddler who doesn't know how to wipe their nose!

I found this worthwhile, but other people might not.

I also developed an enormous cystic zit in the tip of my nose after using the Breathe Right strip. I can't tell if this was just coincidence (I tend to get more acne when my immune system is working on something) or if they actually exacerbate acne.

I will be trying them again next time I'm congested enough that it hinders sleep.

1 comment:

laura k said...

#LeastImportantThing: I wake up with a painfully dry mouth every night. I hate it but don't know how to prevent it. It's a fairly recent development so I should try stuff.

Glad you are feeling better and looking forward to posts.