Saturday, October 24, 2020

Cascade Complete is inferior to Cascade Original

I've always used the lemon-scented Cascade gel dishwasher detergent, which I believe is currently marketed as Cascade Original.

However, I haven't been able to find my usual Cascade during the pandemic (can't tell whether it's because of the pandemic or just a coincidence), so I bought Cascade Complete, which is blue, not lemon-scented, and claims to have more cleaning power.

Unfortunately, Cascade Complete is an inferior product. It doesn't always get fried egg remnants off the pan, and it often leave brown stains in the white mugs I used for coffee or tea. I've never before had either of these problems either with my current (decent quality) dishwasher or my previous (very mediocre) dishwasher.

At this point, some people (and, I'm sure, the Cascade corporation) would recommend using detergent in the pod format. Unfortunately, that simply doesn't work for me. the result is always a dishwasher full of dirty dishes with a mess of half-dissolved dishwasher pod at the bottom. Only liquid/gel dish detergent has ever worked with the combination of water and dishwasher that I have here.

I sincerely hope they haven't discontinued the lemon Cascade and it becomes available again quickly, because Cascade Complete is far less adequate, and I won't be buying it again.


laura k said...

I had to give up on Cascade. I think that lemon Cascade has been discontinued. We switched to Finish and got much better results.

We also use Seventh Generation when it's available.

impudent strumpet said...

Ugh, that's so disappointing that they'd discontinue a good product in favour of a bad product. I'm going to have to try Finish next time - it's the only other liquid dishwasher detergent I've seen on the shelves (at least during the pandemic) - so much shelf space is taken up by those useless pods.

impudent strumpet said...

Update: the Cascade Complete I was writing about here was from Amazon. I later bought some from the grocery store, and it worked better. Review here.