Thursday, March 04, 2010

In all of us command

When I was in Grade 3, a substitute teacher told us that the words to O Canada had been changed. The line "in all thy sons command" was now "in all of us command". That seemed eminently sensible to me, so I started using it and never looked back.

That's why it surprised me to hear in the Speech from the Throne that they're considering changing O Canada to make it gender-neutral. I thought they did that 20 years ago.


laura k said...

That's strange. Do you think your teacher was engaging in a bit of wishful thinking, trying to project and make it so?

impudent strumpet said...

I have no idea. Maybe they were talking about it at the time and it seemed so completely obvious that she just assumed it would go through. (That's certainly how I felt this time around). Or maybe she just figured that if she could tell this to 30 children a day over years and years (and she was a sub so she had a different 30 children every day), it would just spread. I know I certainly use it because it's a superior lyric.

laura k said...

It definitely is.