Tuesday, September 11, 2007

My latest conspiracy theory

I think the idea of teaching creationism in schools was brought up so that government funding for Catholic schools will ultimately be eliminated.

First they mentioned funding other religious schools, which does make sense - it's got to be everyone or no one, not just the catholics. Then they mention creationism to make the idea of universal religious funding scary. But the public has already processed the idea that it's no fair that only the catholics get funding, so in the long run they're not going to continue to accept the status quo.

It is inevitable that government funding must go to either all or no religious schools. This was obvious to me back when I was a Catholic preteen. (Yes, I am aware of the British North America Act, but it didn't anticipate and is not applicable to today's more pluralistic society.) And obviously it would be far easier to organize one secular public school system than any number of religious school systems. I think Tory's current approach is a nefarious scheme to make that happen. I'm surprised to see it from the Conservative party, and it's not enough to affect my vote, but I am glad to see that seed was planted.

1 comment:

laura k said...

I'm not on board with your theory, but if it helps end public funding to religious schools, that would be great. From what I read about the BNA, it seems unlikely, but worth trying for.