Friday, January 28, 2005

How to improve political discourse

I think general global political discourse could be much improved if various opinions on the situation in the Middle East were not automatically considered to be "left-wing" or "right-wing". We all have a general idea of what constitutes being left-wing or right-wing in the areas of social and economic policy, but the Middle East has nothing to do with any of this. It's even a bit different from general foreign policy. It's a complex situation with a lot of history where both parties have been wronged to a certain extent and both parties have wronged others to a certain extent, and equating "left-wing" and "right-wing" with enthusiastic support for one side or the other simply trivializes the whole situation. I think the best thing those of us who are not directly involved can do is encourage our political parties (and, to a slightly lesser extent, our governments) not to make this a major part of their policy at all but rather assess every individual sub-issue and new occurrence on its own merit and only speak out or act on the most serious, worthy occurrences.

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